Kawangware Street Children and Youth Project (KSCYP)
Kwangware is one of the largest slums on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya with more than 400,000 people, most of them living on less than $1 a day; 65% are children and youth. Unemployment is staggering. KSCYP was founded in 2002 by former street kids to create social and economic opportunities to get at-risk youth off the streets of their community. HIV/AIDS are rampant and the community does not have the proper resources to help themselves. These children live in the streets, eating garbage, and drinking milky brown water that is contaminated. Water is one of the most precious resources and it’s a serious problem in the Kawangware slum.
Augusto Githaiga, the director and one of the founders of KSCYP, writes:
“As you saw here in Kawangware, people lack basic human needs like food, water, medical facilities, and the population lives in shanties. Many children are out of school and most kids who are lucky to be in school only get to primary school level and do not have any chance to pursue secondary, college or even university levels. There is no adequate clean water supply and food. The local council only supplies the community with water once a week and at times they forget all about us and we go for a month without water. Many go without taking a bath for days since water is preserved for drinking and cooking. There is a perennial river which is so dirty but many use this water on cooking, drinking, washing and bathing! Controllable diseases like cholera, typhoid and dysentery kills many due to poor hygiene and sanitation. This well is going to alleviate many problems related to lack of adequate clean water supply.”
Lee Oneness Foundation, in partnership with Go Campaign, is building a water well for KSCYP’s children.
Our Progress
Kawangware Water Well